Wednesday 26 August 2015

Bonnie Whitehead - Princess of Penshurst 1935


Thursday 10th October 1935


Nearly £400 Raised by Competition and Dance.

The princess carnival held to raise funds for St. Joseph's School, Penshurst, was brought to a close in the Mechanics' Hall, Penshurst, the building being packed to the doors. The candidates were: Princess Bonnie Whitehead, Princess Eileen Harrington, and Princess Gwen Kelly, each being charmingly attired. Their attendants were: Margaret Wilton, Kathleen Whitehead and Margaret Kelly, while Clete Harty heralded the arrival of the royal personages. Fairlie O'Brien was flower girl, and R. Harrington crown bearer. The first part of the evening was taken up with vocal and musical items, a number of Hamilton artists contributing to the programme. At the conclusion of the entertainment, the princesses marched from the back of the hall, and took their places on the stage, each being warmly applauded. The Rev. Fr. Scanlon introduced Very Rev. J. Kerin, P.P., Hamilton, who announced the amounts raised by the different princesses as follow:—Princess Bonnie Whitehead, £143;Princess Gwen Kelly, £125/3/2; Princess Eileen Harrington, £102/2/3; total, £370/5/5.There was applause when the result was announced, and the sum raised speaks well for the generosity of the people of Penshurst and district, as well as for the organising abilities of the various committees.


The Rev. Fr. Kerin then crowned Princess Bonnie and said he regretted that he had not two more crowns for the other princesses. In a contest of that particular kind someone had to win and someone had to lose, but he felt sure that one and all would take the result in a proper spirit. He had been pleased to assist and thanked the Rev. Fr. Scanlon for asking him to do so. He congratulated the promoters on the magnificent result obtained and he could say without exaggeration that no parish in the district could have done better. Considering the times and the financial stress it was an effort to be proud of. He also desired to congratulate them on the friendly spirit displayed by the non-Catholic part of the community. His predecessor (the late Mgr. Shanahan) had always fostered that spirit and he was glad that it had survived. The carnival had perhaps entailed financial stress on some, but the givers would never regret helping such a cause. He congratulated the Rev. Fr. Scanlon on the success of the carnival and hoped to keep him in the parish for at least another twelve months.


The Rev. Fr. Scanlon thanked the Rev Fr. Kerin for performing the crowning ceremony. He had been agreeably surprised at the result of the carnival, and had pleasure in congratulating the winning princess very heartily. When the carnival was commenced they had only two candidates, but Princess Bonnie's mother came in and pluckily allowed her daughter to fill the gap, and it gave him pleasure to see her enthroned as winning princess. He also thanked the other princesses, their supporters and all who assisted. He referred to the kindly cooperation of all, especially thanking Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ubergang, and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Burow, who had placed their residence sat the disposal of the committees for holding house parties. The carnival had passed off well, and he thanked all for their assistance and support.
Fr. Kerin then presented souvenirs to the other princesses and their attendants. Bouquets of flowers were also handed to the princesses by friends and admirers. In presenting a bouquet to Miss N. Hayes (head teacher of St. Joseph's School), the Rev. Fr. Kerin said that no one had worked harder than she had done, and everyone had admired the way in which she had trained the children. The function reflected great credit on the children and to all. The Rev. Fr. Manning (Port Fairy), who was warmly received, said it gave him pleasure to attend the crowning ceremony. He congratulated them on the wonderful effort. The Rev. Fr. Scanlon thanked Mrs. Walls and the Hamilton performers for their assistance. The proceedings terminated with a dance. The ladies provided a dainty supper. The amount raised will be augmented by the door takings, which amounted to £27.


Little Bonnie Whitehead, the winning Princess, whose candidature raised £143. She is attended by Kathleen Whitehead.