Tuesday 11 August 2015

Monday 8th, Thursday 11th and Thursday 18th August 1898

The Mercury (Hobart) – Thursday 11 August 1898

Monday 8th August 1898
With regard to the doings of James Slattery, arrested for robbery at the Penshurst branch of the Bank of Victoria, and who formerly served a sentence at the Yatala Stockade, some astonishment is expressed at the release of the prisoner from Yatala, considering that he was sentenced to 3½ years' hard labour in August, 1896, and that that term, in the ordinary course of events, would not expire until February, 1900.

It has transpired that Slattery received the benefit of a considerable remission of his sentence in honour of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. He had behaved remarkably well during his incarceration, and it is possible for a prisoner to obtain a remission equivalent to about a third of his sentence on account of good conduct. Slattery secured credit marks equal to more than a fourth of the term. He was sentenced at the Adelaide Criminal Sessions on August 3, 1895, for forgery, to a term equal to 1,278 days. Being a first offender he received the Jubilee remission of one sixth of his sentence, equal to 213 days, and earned credit marks entitling him to 347 days off. Altogether he served 718 days, being released on July 22, so that he must have been soon over the Victorian border after leaving Yatala.

Goulburn Evening Penny Post – Sat 13 August 1898
Thursday 11th August 1898
The Penshurst Bank Robbery.
MELBOURNE, Thursday.-James Ryan, alias James Slattery, was presented at the Penshurst Police Court today on a charge of robbery under arms at the local branch of the Bank of Victoria on the 4th instant. The facts, as already known, were set forth in detail, and the accused, who reserved his defense, was committed for trial.

The Horsham Times – Thursday 18th August 1898

Mr. Louis Howitz, of Hamilton, will defend James Slattery, the alleged Penshurst bank robber, at the Ararat Assizes. Slattery is awaiting trial in the Ballarat Gaol.